1 lyrics for "I'll reach my hands out in the dark" Don't Give Up On Me (From "Five Feet Apart")Andy GrammerI'll wait for you I'm not givin' up, givin' up I will fight I will fight for you I always do until my heart Is black and blue I'll reach my hands out in the dark And wait for yours to interlock 'Cause I'm not givin' upPlayRelated Songs 832.7K Fresh Eyes (Grey Remix)Andy Grammer 959.3K ForeverAndy Grammer 357.4K Fresh Eyes (Ryan Riback Remix)Andy Grammer 688.1K LadiesAndy Grammer 970K The Good PartsAndy Grammer 859.6K SinnerAndy Grammer 969.1K This Ain't LoveAndy Grammer 681.5K 85Andy Grammer 256.3K Honey, I'm Good (Mike D Remix)Andy Grammer 214.9K SlowAndy Grammer 650.1K Civil WarAndy Grammer 879.6K Kiss You SlowAndy GrammerSuggestions SongDays Of DarkDierks BentleyEven If My Heart Would BreakKenny GGran Torino (Original Theme Song From The Motion Picture)Jamie CullumGhost in the WindBirdy