3 lyrics for "I'll no longer be a fool"

I'm sick and tired of workin' I'll no more dig the praties As sure as me name is Carney I'll go off to California I'll no longer be a fool I'll be digging lumps of gold Where instead of diggin' praties And when I come back home again Goodbye, Muirshin
I know what I believe, and now I see There is no hope for me, at least I know No longer will we be fooled, you say No longer will we be fooled White skin, white teeth, black heart, black lungs Sleeping on your stacks of millions As your followers
FOOLS! I cast you all aside! Your bullets harm me not I am heresy, blazing hell The embodiment ov all you fear I am all which you can never be A truth revealing hate machine No longer will I tolerate Lies from a kingdom built on dread Yet what if naught