1 lyrics for "Hump de bump doop bodu" Hump de BumpRed Hot Chili Peppers(Gon' getchya, gon' shake ya) Hump de bump doop bodu Bump de hump doop bodu Bump de hump doop bop Hump de bump doop bop It must have been a hundred miles It's not about the smile you wear but The way we make outPlayRelated Songs 513K MidnightRed Hot Chili Peppers 426.4K Venice QueenRed Hot Chili Peppers 113.3K Universally SpeakingRed Hot Chili Peppers 318.3K Sir Psycho SexyRed Hot Chili Peppers 201.9K Especially In MichiganRed Hot Chili Peppers 254.8K WarlocksRed Hot Chili Peppers 136.4K SaviorRed Hot Chili Peppers 324.8K Throw Away Your TelevisionRed Hot Chili Peppers 304.2K DosedRed Hot Chili Peppers 539.6K The Longest WaveRed Hot Chili Peppers 684.8K Road Trippin'Red Hot Chili Peppers 131.8K I Like DirtRed Hot Chili PeppersSuggestions SongSomebody Got MurderedThe ClashNever Let Me GoFlorence + The MachineDon't Swallow the CapThe NationalWhen You Were YoungThe Killers