1 lyrics for "High Princess of Noreia" VirunusEluveitieTo fight on the blood-red mountainside To vanquish the rapacious beast North of the yew grove Home of the prosperous High Princess of Noreia To end the age of distress To fulfill the prophecy entheanPlayRelated Songs 297.2K HavocEluveitie 590.9K HomeEluveitie 236.2K Primordial BreathEluveitie 857.3K The Day Of StrifeEluveitie 903.3K UxellodunonEluveitie 101.3K CeltosEluveitie 899.4K InceptionEluveitie 929.5K Calling The RainEluveitie 895.6K LuxtosEluveitie 873.4K Scorched EarthEluveitie 575.2K Omnos (Metal Version)Eluveitie 894.9K AlesiaEluveitieSuggestions SongSincerityAugust Burns RedThe Empty HourglassArchitectsFatal Tragedy (Scene Three)Dream TheaterComing of the TideAmon Amarth