1 lyrics for "Hands held higher" ForestTwenty One PilotsHands held higher We'll be on fire Does it bother anyone else Down in the forest We'll sing a chorus Singing songs that nobody wrote That someone else has your name? One that everybody knows I scream, you scream, we all screamPlayRelated Songs 682.9K RubyTwenty One Pilots 266.2K ChlorineTwenty One Pilots 645.3K Leave The CityTwenty One Pilots 981.8K Guns For HandsTwenty One Pilots 815K AnathemaTwenty One Pilots 252.2K March To the SeaTwenty One Pilots 500.6K The PantaloonTwenty One Pilots 985.2K Kitchen SinkTwenty One Pilots 118.1K MigraineTwenty One Pilots 869.4K Before You Start Your DayTwenty One Pilots 638.2K The JudgeTwenty One Pilots 396.2K GonerTwenty One PilotsSuggestions SongWavesMr. ProbzSay SomethingChristina AguileraAngelLionel RichieSir Duke (Album Version)Stevie Wonder