1 lyrics for "Hail people of Iceland" IslandMastodonGiven decision to live The flight towards the light I'll stay in the lava for life Erupting when gods take us all Changing the peaks makes us pour From the mountain and burn The path of our time Hail people of Iceland Journey of a land anewPlayRelated Songs 847.4K Dry Bone ValleyMastodon 623.9K Bedazzled FingernailsMastodon 647.5K DivinationsMastodon 328.3K TrainwreckMastodon 594.3K Precious StonesMastodon 470.1K TrilobiteMastodon 900K Blood and Thunder (Live at Brixton)Mastodon 389.3K Naked BurnMastodon 373.3K QuintessenceMastodon 451.7K AndromedaMastodon 102.5K Blood and ThunderMastodon 414K StargasmMastodonSuggestions SongSara SmileDaryl Hall & John OatesAutomobileKALEOGood Grief (Bunker Sessions)BastilleJeremy (Brendan O'Brien Mix)Pearl Jam