1 lyrics for "Getting out just seems impossible" RevoltMuseYou can revolt You can grow (you can grow) You’ve got soul You can make this world what you want You’ve got strength You’ve felt pain You’ve felt love How did we get in so much trouble? Getting out just seems impossiblePlayRelated Songs 627.9K Falling DownMuse 251.1K Supremacy (Live At Rome Olympic Stadium)Muse 729.6K Dead InsideMuse 413.7K MK UltraMuse 124.5K The HandlerMuse 806.2K Falling Away with YouMuse 584.7K PropagandaMuse 355.1K Muscle MuseumMuse 964.8K SunburnMuse 935.4K Butterflies and HurricanesMuse 140K SupremacyMuse 193.1K United States of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage)MuseSuggestions SongRevolution RadioGreen DayNext Year (Live at the Pantages Theatre, Los Angeles, CA - August 2006)Foo FightersColoring the voidM83RococoArcade Fire