1 lyrics for "Experimental pathogens, a devil's design" Evisceration PlagueCannibal CorpsePlague leads to death Evisceration plague Driven to kill, this is not my will I am compelled to slay Invisible foe takes control My entrails are in my hands Experimental pathogens, a devil's design The dark side of science breeds a weapon of warPlayRelated Songs 245.1K To DecomposeCannibal Corpse 479.4K Split Wide OpenCannibal Corpse 568.6K The Cryptic StenchCannibal Corpse 716.4K I Will Kill YouCannibal Corpse 667K Under the Rotted FleshCannibal Corpse 850K Unleashing the BloodthirstyCannibal Corpse 530.6K Staring Through the Eyes of the DeadCannibal Corpse 259.8K Buried in the BackyardCannibal Corpse 981.6K Return To FleshCannibal Corpse 874K Scourge of IronCannibal Corpse 146.9K Skewered From Ear To EyeCannibal Corpse 993.8K A Cauldron Of HateCannibal CorpseSuggestions SongOnce More 'Round The SunMastodonCloneGojiraThe Blood LegionIn This MomentHollow King (Sound of the End)Fit For A King