1 lyrics for "Dream it, even if it don't come true" Don't StopHigh ValleyWhatever you do, don't stop Being who you are There's only one of you Dream it, even if it don't come true Is all you got When holding on to heaven Love it, while you got it Right here, right now Drag you downPlayRelated Songs 416.2K Somebody Like MeHigh Valley 689.2K My Way BackHigh Valley 266.5K Roads We've Never TakenHigh Valley 964.2K The Last Thing You DoHigh Valley 745.3K Make You Mine (Farmhouse Sessions)High Valley 199.6K Young ForeverHigh Valley 792.5K I Ain't Changin'High Valley 862.6K She's With MeHigh Valley 358.5K Call Me Old FashionedHigh Valley 243.9K Plastic JesusHigh Valley 656.4K Memory Makin'High Valley 666K She's With Me (Farmhouse Sessions)High ValleySuggestions SongEasyRascal FlattsShe's My 11 (Album Version)Keith UrbanWide OpenKane BrownNot Ready to Make NiceDixie Chicks