1 lyrics for "Doesn't do what he's told to" Son Of A GunJungleHe isn't what he should be They're just I just think he could be A son of a gun There's a boy in the world Who doesn't follow the crowd Doesn't do what he's told to That's why he's allowed to Stay job as a diverPlayRelated Songs 164.5K Beat 54 (All Good Now)Jungle 953.9K CrumblerJungle 242.8K The HeatJungle 780.7K JuliaJungle 531.4K Platoon (SpectraSoul Remix)Jungle 103.6K Happy ManJungle 997.1K HomeJungle 865K Mama Oh NoJungle 629.4K AccelerateJungle 706.2K Heavy, CaliforniaJungle 261.8K Give OverJungle 179.2K Lucky I Got What I WantJungleSuggestions SongOne Day (2014 Version)KodalineTOOTIMETOOTIMETOOTIMEThe 1975The Sun (Acoustic)Portugal. The ManThe FixerPearl Jam