1 lyrics for "Dissecting the guts" Frantic DisembowelmentCannibal CorpseFrantic disembowelment Frenzied hacking Morals lacking Life is gone before my eyes Intestines exposed By violent thrusts The innards removes Dissecting the gutsPlayRelated Songs 669.9K Vector of CrueltyCannibal Corpse 369.5K Hammer Smashed FaceCannibal Corpse 274.9K Entrails Ripped From a Virgin's CuntCannibal Corpse 999.9K Covered With SoresCannibal Corpse 730.8K Pounded Into DustCannibal Corpse 874K Scourge of IronCannibal Corpse 418.8K The Time To Kill Is NowCannibal Corpse 929.3K She Was Asking For ItCannibal Corpse 534.7K Intestinal CrankCannibal Corpse 838.9K Vomit the SoulCannibal Corpse 424.7K Icepick LobotomyCannibal Corpse 214.2K Necrosadistic WarningCannibal CorpseSuggestions SongNatural Born PhilosopherBehemothChild In TimeDeep PurpleToxicitySystem of a DownWhoreIn This Moment