1 lyrics for "Dancing for your pleasure" ReckonerRadioheadDedicated to all human beings Because we separate Like ripples on a blank shore You can't take it with yer Dancing for your pleasure You are not to blame for Bittersweet distractors Dare not speak its namePlayRelated Songs 847.4K Exit Music (For a Film)Radiohead 587.9K How To Disappear CompletelyRadiohead 928.5K Subterranean Homesick AlienRadiohead 448K Present TenseRadiohead 701.6K Yes I AmRadiohead 553.9K House Of CardsRadiohead 488.4K True Love WaitsRadiohead 417.3K I PromiseRadiohead 524.9K BackdriftsRadiohead 714.3K LiftRadiohead 599.2K Faust ArpRadiohead 897.2K Black StarRadioheadSuggestions SongTrouble In ParadiseAlice MertonIrresistibleFall Out BoyPatriarch On a VespaMetricDear FatherSum 41