1 lyrics for "And it's not even my birthday" Birthday CakeRihannaCome and put your name on it Cake, cake, cake, cake Put your name on it Cake, cake, cake, cake, cake Cake, cake, cake I'mma make you my bitch And it's not even my birthday Bet you wanna put your name on itPlayRelated Songs 891.4K Drunk On LoveRihanna 908.4K California King BedRihanna 521.4K Sex With MeRihanna 635K James JointRihanna 417.4K DisturbiaRihanna 223.9K Yeah, I Said ItRihanna 213.7K Pour It UpRihanna 245.3K Nobody's BusinessRihanna 815.4K UmbrellaRihanna 713.7K Shut Up And DriveRihanna 854.4K American OxygenRihanna 338.2K As Real As You And Me (From The "Home" Soundtrack)RihannaSuggestions SongParanoidLauvLast StardustAimerOn the Road AgainTryoPulling the StringMudvayne