1 lyrics for "And it's all because I dreamt of you" hell is where i dreamt of u and woke up aloneBlackbearAnd woke up alone And it's all because I dreamt of you What a wonderful tone To bring you back home My nose is burning Too much cocaine Got caught in Brooklyn With gasoline backed up with cellophane I'm in need of moderationPlayRelated Songs 983.8K Ain't LoveBlackbear 501.8K IDWKBlackbear 985.2K thursday/froze over ("interlude")Blackbear 279.9K doubleBlackbear 769.4K Dirty LaundryBlackbear 167.7K glo_upBlackbear 141.5K make daddy proudBlackbear 839.8K do re miBlackbear 624.7K g2g ttylBlackbear 877.3K playboy shitBlackbear 170.5K up in thisBlackbear 865.7K VerbatimBlackbearSuggestions SongOne LoveTrey SongzJealousyRoy WoodsGroovin' (Remastered)Paul CarrackThe ZoneThe Weeknd