1 lyrics for "And home what's been found" HunterThirty Seconds to MarsYou just didn't know me I'm the hunter If travel is searching And home what's been found I'm not stopping I'm goin' hunting I'll bring back the goods But I don't know when I thought, I could organize freedomPlayRelated Songs 393.6K ATTACK (Live)Thirty Seconds to Mars 163.4K 93 Million MilesThirty Seconds to Mars 627.6K From YesterdayThirty Seconds to Mars 156.7K Walk On Water (Acoustic)Thirty Seconds to Mars 219.3K The KillThirty Seconds to Mars 846.8K RiderThirty Seconds to Mars 176.7K Live Like A DreamThirty Seconds to Mars 669.8K RemedyThirty Seconds to Mars 661.2K Depuis Le DébutThirty Seconds to Mars 847.2K Edge Of The EarthThirty Seconds to Mars 726.6K The MissionThirty Seconds to Mars 227.3K SaviorThirty Seconds to MarsSuggestions SongThis Day We Fight!MegadethMy Father's EyesEric ClaptonIt's A Crying ShameEtta JamesSongbird (Remastered LP Version; Remastered)Fleetwood Mac