4 lyrics for "And I run, I run to the battle"

I will run, they will hunt me in vain I will hide, they'll be searching I'll regroup, feign retreat they'll pursue Coup de grâce I will win but never fight That's the Art of War! I stand alone And gaze upon the battlefield Is all that's left after the
On through the night, you can't stop me now On through the night, you won't stop me anyhow On through the night, you can't stop me anyhow The wait is done, the battle's won So count the cost before you run Cause on and on your time was power The clock on
And I run, I run to the battle Oh, I run, to you It doesn't matter if tomorrow there's a war Oh, I run, it doesn't matter if tomorrow never comes My love, oh, we won My love, we won We don't hide no, we don't We don't stray from anyone
Facing the storm, battered and torn Fighting for our Glorious Land! Come take our hand, together we stand Defending our Glorious Land! Endless waste Our patience runs thin Here we stand ready Let the battle begin! Hit back! Charge!