1 lyrics for "Altering who I'm supposed to be" Asphyxiate to ResuscitateCannibal CorpseResuscitate You have died and I brought you back While you see the dark I see the light A light so dark controlling me Altering who I'm supposed to bePlayRelated Songs 611K NecropedophileCannibal Corpse 999.9K Covered With SoresCannibal Corpse 534.7K Intestinal CrankCannibal Corpse 965.3K Devoured by VerminCannibal Corpse 667K Under the Rotted FleshCannibal Corpse 762.3K Five Nails Through The NeckCannibal Corpse 479.8K Encased In ConcreteCannibal Corpse 259.7K Buried in the BackyardCannibal Corpse 245.1K To DecomposeCannibal Corpse 992.4K The Murderer's PactCannibal Corpse 384.7K Evidence In The FurnaceCannibal Corpse 493K Scalding HailCannibal CorpseSuggestions SongDefenderAs I Lay DyingAs Loke FallsAmon AmarthVomit the SoulCannibal CorpseWar of the GodsAmon Amarth