1 lyrics for "Almost got what I want" AlmostTracy ChapmanAlmost found what I lost Almost saved you and myself Almost won but it doesn't count And never does Almost got what I want And I almost Almost almost almostPlayRelated Songs 987.2K Why?Tracy Chapman 137.1K She's Got Her TicketTracy Chapman 885.2K Remember the TinmanTracy Chapman 235.1K HappyTracy Chapman 777.9K Material WorldTracy Chapman 737.3K Talkin' Bout a RevolutionTracy Chapman 142.1K I'm ReadyTracy Chapman 558.5K If These Are the ThingsTracy Chapman 734.4K Mountains O' ThingsTracy Chapman 228K Heaven's Here on EarthTracy Chapman 853.5K Bang Bang Bang (2015 Remaster)Tracy Chapman 348.2K Going BackTracy ChapmanSuggestions SongI Know One (feat. Emmylou Harris)John PrineA la faveur de l'automneTétéCrossroads (2015 Remaster)Tracy ChapmanThe Rape of the WorldTracy Chapman