1 lyrics for "All of this will turn to ash" Where The Dead Ships DwellIn FlamesFeel I was running an endless mile, Last time it burns And I'm dying inside All of this will turn to ash A change for a piece of mind I got what I deserved The picture slowly fades, The walls are closing in, And there I was, cursing the ground,PlayRelated Songs 697.8K Rusted NailIn Flames 711.9K Delight And AngersIn Flames 117.3K Through OblivionIn Flames 663.8K The Mirrors TruthIn Flames 872.6K JotunIn Flames 354.8K The PuzzleIn Flames 558.5K Black & WhiteIn Flames 998.5K The HiveIn Flames 543.3K My Sweet ShadowIn Flames 313K When the World ExplodesIn Flames 168.6K Episode 666In Flames 168.9K Fear Is The WeaknessIn FlamesSuggestions SongHungry YearsSurvivorSound Of MadnessShinedownPlayers (Only Love You When They're Playing)Crazy TownCaught in the MiddleKodaline