1 lyrics for "All hail slain and risen god!" DaimonosBehemothWe worship the sun We worship the moon Spreading like rats Exalted above the stars of god All hail slain and risen god! All hail Dionysus! Chaldean priests Bow to me, in adorationPlayRelated Songs 809.3K Slaves Shall ServeBehemoth 511.7K PazuzuBehemoth 457.4K No Sympathy For FoolsBehemoth 869.9K ShemaforashBehemoth 634.4K Conquer AllBehemoth 467K Wolves ov SiberiaBehemoth 874.6K Antichristian PhenomenonBehemoth 893.7K Natural Born PhilosopherBehemoth 670.8K Blow Your Trumpets GabrielBehemoth 879.7K Ov Fire and the VoidBehemoth 602.4K Sculpting the Throne Ov SethBehemoth 327.2K Ov Fire And The VoidBehemothSuggestions SongA Bid FarewellKillswitch EngageOpen LetterThe Amity AfflictionMaximizeAmarantheSquare HammerGhost