1 lyrics for "Alarms are struck I'm sure" Moment's Silence (Common Tongue)HozierIn the common tongue In you lovin' me Let the reason come A moment's silence when And the reason comes When stunted hammers place With men my mere monstrosity Alarms are struck I'm sure I'm sure by sheer atrocityPlayRelated Songs 574.7K Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene (Album Version)Hozier 943.9K SunlightHozier 429.6K As It WasHozier 755.9K Wasteland, Baby!Hozier 836.9K From EdenHozier 194.5K Nina Cried PowerHozier 895.2K In a Week (Album Version)Hozier 417.4K It Will Come Back (Album Version)Hozier 255.1K Work SongHozier 120K SedatedHozier 424.8K MovementHozier 982.2K NobodyHozierSuggestions SongFor EmmaBon IverWills of the RiverFirst Aid KitHauntBastilleBeercan (Album Version)Beck