1 lyrics for "A whisper of where you sailed ahead" BelovedMumford & SonsAnd as you leave You must know you are beloved Before you leave Remember I was with you I won't hold you back beloved Austere enthroned in white grandeur A whisper of where you sailed aheadPlayRelated Songs 232.2K Lover Of The LightMumford & Sons 949.7K Not With HasteMumford & Sons 566.8K Believe (Live)Mumford & Sons 872K Holland RoadMumford & Sons 519.5K Someone Saved My Life TonightMumford & Sons 644.1K Snake Eyes (Live)Mumford & Sons 881.9K Ghosts That We KnewMumford & Sons 706K Hot GatesMumford & Sons 914.9K The Wolf (Live)Mumford & Sons 610K Broad-Shouldered BeastsMumford & Sons 800.4K Fool You’ve LandedMumford & Sons 476.8K Lovers' EyesMumford & SonsSuggestions SongFool You’ve LandedMumford & SonsGreat Wide OpenThirty Seconds to MarsI'll Never Forget YouBirdyColorsHalsey