1 lyrics for "A light so dark controlling me" Asphyxiate to ResuscitateCannibal CorpseResuscitate You have died and I brought you back While you see the dark I see the light A light so dark controlling me Altering who I'm supposed to bePlayRelated Songs 874K Scourge of IronCannibal Corpse 780.6K No RemorseCannibal Corpse 611K NecropedophileCannibal Corpse 168.2K Staring Through The Eyes Of The DeadCannibal Corpse 693.3K Sadistic EmbodimentCannibal Corpse 669.9K Vector of CrueltyCannibal Corpse 322K Kill or BecomeCannibal Corpse 827.5K Disposal of the BodyCannibal Corpse 174.3K Beyond the CemeteryCannibal Corpse 453.4K They Deserve to DieCannibal Corpse 980K Gallery of SuicideCannibal Corpse 621.6K Sarcophagic FrenzyCannibal CorpseSuggestions SongHallelujah GoatVolbeatPennyweightAfter The BurialRising From RuinsJudas PriestWait and Bleed (Terry Date Mix)Slipknot