I was just telling that I got this girl before
And we was together since 3 years
And uh, I was not even cheating on her or what
And Facebook arrived and she wanted me to accept her on Facebook
And I don't want it because I was like in front of her
And she told me like "Accept me on Facebook"
It was virtual, made no sense
So I say "I'm in front of you, I don't need to accept you on Facebook"
She started to be crazy
She thoughts that because I didn't accept her
She thought I was cheating
She told me like, uh, "it's over"
I can't believe you
I said "come on you're crazy" because like yeah
I'm in front of you, I'm every day
Here in your house
That's, it means like it's jealousy
Pure jealousy for nothing
You know
Virtual thing