Give my jewels to the army, my silverware and jeans
Give my love to your family, tell them anything
Give yourself to anyone, give yourself away
Don't be a nightingale for anyone's space to fill
If I could, I'd be your star again
Fall across your falling sky
It takes a lot of little rain to make you feel like nothing
Anything, anything you care to do, do to me
For everything I did for you, nothing
I didn't try to take your love away
I just never knew I had it
There is nothing you can say to ever make me want you
There is nothing you can say to ever make me leave you
American Mary
If you kiss me, kiss me with your silver eyes
Don't look at me like someone you don't recognize
I didn't try to do this
Your arms around my shoulder blades are useless
There is nothing you can say to ever make me want you
There is nothing you can say to ever make me leave you
American Mary