1 lyrics for "They try to kick it, their feet fall asleep" Combat BabyMetricCombat baby come back Combat baby come back baby Said it all before They try to kick it, their feet fall asleep Fight off the lethargy Don't go quietly Combat baby Said you would never give up easy Every mighty mild seventies childPlayRelated Songs 968.5K Poster Of A GirlMetric 355.4K Black SheepMetric 840.1K Gold Guns GirlsMetric 612.7K Monster Hospital (MSTRKRFT Remix)Metric 189.8K Eclipse (All Yours)Metric 999.5K The GovernessMetric 184.9K Lie Lie LieMetric 566.5K Grow Up and Blow AwayMetric 631.3K Calculation ThemeMetric 721.1K Satellite MindMetric 679.1K Dead DiscoMetric 513.6K Speed The CollapseMetricSuggestions SongI Will FollowU2Empty Corridors (Live)Ben HowardBut, HonestlyFoo FightersRoaring 20sPanic! At the Disco