1 lyrics for "Found everything that I had to take away," ScreamSlipknotAll we ever sacrificed has paid, Found everything that I had to take away, All our lives, Save it all and make a better way, Everything, Everything is possible to me, Save your life,PlayRelated Songs 385.9K The Virus of LifeSlipknot 461.4K XIXSlipknot 588.5K PuritySlipknot 249.4K Get ThisSlipknot 940.6K PsychosocialSlipknot 782.4K GehennaSlipknot 762.4K Snap (Demo)Slipknot 601.3K Three NilSlipknot 614K New AbortionSlipknot 774.4K VermilionSlipknot 368.6K Wait And Bleed (Live)Slipknot 419.8K Me Inside (Live)SlipknotSuggestions SongBlackTriviumFinally Free (Scene Nine)Dream TheaterCensoredBeartoothFields of UnforgivenessBlack Label Society