Hey everybody talk about it, burning hell burning hell
Ain't no hell but a burning hell
When I die, Where I go
Ain't nobody know
Burning hell burning hell
Burning hell burning hell
I went down to see Deegan jones
Who was down at the church house
I got down on my bedding knee
And I prayed and I prayed
Deegan Jones pray for me
Went down to the church house
Got down at my bedding knee
And I begged Deegan jones
Would you pray for me
She said sir take my hand
Said sir take my hand
Ain't no hell but a burning hell
No hell but a burning hell
No hell but a burning hell
Burning hell
Ain't no hell but a burning hell
Ain't no hell but a burning hell
When I die where I go
Ain't nobody knows
Ain't no hell but a burning hell
No hell but a burning hell
No hell but a burning hell
Burning hell
Hey everybody talks about it, burning hell burning hell
Ain't no hell but a burning hell
When I die where I go
Ain't nobody knows
Burning hell burning hell
Burning hell burning hell
Burning hell burning hell
Burning hell
Don't know where I'm going
Nobody knows
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